Studies 2024-05-22T12:12:07+00:00 CSÁNYI Erzsébet Open Journal Systems The Ways of Comprehension 2024-05-22T12:04:39+00:00 Irén BANDI <p>This paper examines the possibilities of developing reading comprehension skills, with particular reference to students who are studying Hungarian as a foreign language. They are the ones who will play an active role in the translation of Hungarian literature. The first part is about the cognitive background of reading comprehension and the role of foreign language texts in language learning. The second part deals with methodological opportunities and practical solutions for the development of reading comprehension. Considering and combining the aspects of cognitive textology and communicative language models, this paper presents an effective reading strategy.</p> 2023-11-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Image of the Hungarian Language in Polish Cinematography 2024-05-22T12:05:26+00:00 Anna GRZESZAK Damian KALETA <p>The study is part of a stream of research on the world’s linguistic image, conducted mainly by Polish ethnolinguists. Our aim is to reconstruct how the image of the Hungarian language functions in the linguistic consciousness of Poles based on an analysis of Polish films and television series made after 1945. The findings obtained from the analysis will be evaluated in terms of accessibility, accuracy and detail. This will provide answers to the questions of how Poles perceive the Hungarian language and whether their perceptions of the language are well-founded on the basis of linguistic research.</p> 2023-11-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Woman Question in Slovene Opinion Journalism 2024-05-22T12:09:58+00:00 Liubov’ A. KIRILINA <p>Based on historical research and publications in the Slovene press, this work analyses characteristic features of the views on the woman question in Slovene opinion journalism of the 1870s to the first half of the 1890s. In the same way as it was among other Slavic peoples of the Habsburg Empire, the women’s movement among the Slovenes was mainly oriented at solving national problems, and social problems were also considered by them in this vein. The article highlights the process of shaping a new image of the ideal Slovene woman by the Slovene press: an ardent patriot, educated, and participating in the national life of her people in full awareness, she is also a faithful companion and friend to her husband and a mother who fosters in her children love for their native language and people. The author retraces the evolution of the Slovenes’ ideas about the role of women in the family and society and comes to the conclusion that in the first half of the 1890s, the publications in the student magazine Vesna and the liberal newspaper Slovanski svet brought the discussion of the woman question to a new level and in many respects paved the way for the subsequent development and formation of the women’s movement.</p> 2023-11-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Cruelty of Children 2024-05-22T12:10:17+00:00 Sára Anna MATOS <p>Where does aggression come from? Is it an adaptive behaviour form as a product of evolution, such as Darwin or Lorenz thought? Or is it rather the sexual drive, which sometimes makes humans behave aggressively, according to Sigmund Freud’s assumption? Or is it caused by learned behaviours, just like the social learning analysis says. In my writing I investigate the matter of the “childhood innocence” through Géza Csáth’s short stories, in whose works the motives of psychoanalysis often appear, called “A kis Emma” and “Anyagyilkosság”. In his works he shows examples in which aggression is showed in an exaggerated way. In the study I would like to explore the part of the psychology that is about aggression and the theory of psychoanalysis, by using the characters and stories created by Csáth, that may help to understand the possible reasons for the actions of the main characters.</p> 2023-11-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sports Ethics Issues Among Young Adults Participating in Competitive Sports 2024-05-22T12:10:53+00:00 Tamás BARCSI Csilla FILÓ <p>Introduction: Our research’s essential goal was to clarify the most relevant association between sports and ethics from a theoretical aspect. In our questionnaire, we sought to know how basic moral concepts impact amateur competitive athletes and those involved in professional sports. Additionally, we pursued the moral principles athletes consider important, and if they disregard these principles once victory is within their grasp. Lastly, we examined how often athletes confront the most serious moral (and legal) levels of abuse.</p> <p>Material and methodology: The acquisition of data regarding our cross-sectional research was conducted using a self-compiled questionnaire. The anonymous questionnaire was completed by 123 amateur and professional athletes ranging from 18 to 25 years of age. The data processing was performed using a double sample t-test, Levene’s test, variant analysis and the Pearson correlation coefficient.</p> <p>Results: Within our research it was proven female and male respondents vary in their interpretation of success and a significant portion of questionnaire respondents rejected the use of performance enhancing drugs. In reference to the interpretation of moral principles, we found differences among those involved in individual sports and team sports. Furthermore, it was proven that members of the technical staff most frequently commit physical abuse against athletes.</p> <p>Conclusions: The success orientation regarding individual athletes is presumably influenced by the absence of the personality-forming effects of team cohesion. Presumably, amateur athletes adhere far better to the Code of Sports Ethics (revised Recommendation no. Rec [92] 14) than when compared with their professional colleagues. Simultaneously, athletes from both categories deem the official recognition of Fair Play important and integral regarding competitive sports.</p> <p>Implementing levels of physical violence has a serious effect upon athletes, since the methodology and moral norms of a given team’s management and staff is highly important. Differences regarding the concept of success among male and female athletes also reflect the differences between the reactions to moral challenges. The spread of doping as witnessed in non-professional sport may lead to the conclusion in which amateurs do not condemn the use of these substances more than their professional colleagues.</p> 2023-11-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Patterns Merging into a Map 2024-05-22T12:11:11+00:00 Pál SZÁZ 2023-11-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Citizen Science at the Service of Toponym Research 2024-05-22T12:11:31+00:00 Henrietta RASZTOVÁC <p>The aim of this thesis is to present the application of community science to the collection of toponyms in Vojvodina, in the context of the Hungarian National Topical Directory Program. The data for the corpus are provided by the processing of historical sources, by collection documented by audio recordings, and by information obtained from social networking sites on the Internet. This paper presents the experiences gained during the fieldwork and gives an overview of the data obtained during traditional and internet collection.</p> 2023-11-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Toponymy of Temerin in the Past and Nowadays 2024-05-22T12:11:51+00:00 Éva VARGA <p>The purpose of this paper is to present the results of my work on collecting place names within the Hungarian National Toponym Registry, supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The collecting takes place in the village of Temerin in Vojvodina. The corpus consists of two parts: the historical material contains the available data from the end of the 18th century, and the synchronous part contains the results of the personal collection, which is still ongoing and documented by audio recordings. To date, the research has been assisted by eight recorders from Temerin of different ages. The study illustrates how the collected data differ from the results of previous collections. Thus, the analysis of changes presents four groups: place names that have already disappeared, those that have remained unchanged, those that have been preserved but with minor modifications, and place names that cannot be found in earlier sources, therefore they can be considered new names.</p> 2023-11-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Change of Text Comprehension Based on Age 2024-05-22T12:12:07+00:00 Virág Kinga MÓRICZ <p>This paper examines the changes in the quantitative and qualitative factors of text comprehension among upper-grade students. The speech comprehension test, which forms the backbone of the research (based on Mária Gósy’s GMP12 text comprehension test), aims to demonstrate the level of difference and direction of development in spoken language comprehension between fifth and eighth grade children. The research was conducted at the Idős Kovács Gyula Elementary School in Stara Moravica, with a total of 23 children participating in the anonymous study. After listening to a text, the participants were required to fill in a questionnaire focusing on the content of the text and unfamiliar words. The responses received in the questionnaire were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Based on the data, it can be concluded that the eighth grade performed significantly better than the fifth grade, largely due to the difference in the level of vocabulary development.</p> 2023-11-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##